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WATCH: Opening Night at "Full Speed Ahead to the Fabulous SS United States!” Exhibition

On June 14th, "Full Speed Ahead to the Fabulous SS United States!" opened at the National Lighthouse Museum, presented by the museum in partnership with the New York Chapter of the SS United States Conservancy.

The exhibition's grand opening was celebrated with with a festive event at the museum and rare screening of acclaimed New York filmmaker Manny Kirchheimer's SS United States film, "Colossus on the River."

Video producer and friend of the Conservancy Bill Magee generously recorded the evening, capturing the moving remarks made by National Lighthouse Museum executive director Linda Dianto, Consevancy executive director Susan Gibbs and New York Chapter co-chair Glenn Lappin.

Watch below:

"Opening Night: 'Full Speed Ahead to the Fabulous SS United States' Exhibition at

the National Lighthouse Museum." Video by Bill Magee and MageeMedia Productions.

The Conservancy would like to again extend a hearty congratulations to the New York Chapter for producing a truly "fabulous" exhibition, with special thanks to chapter co-chairs Glenn Lappin and Paul Stipkovich. We would like to also thank National Lighthouse Museum executive director Linda Dianto and museum curator Celestina Cuadrado for their indispensable support.

The National Lighthouse Museum is open every week from 11am to 5pm, Tuesday through Sunday. "Full Speed Ahead to the Fabulous SS United States!" will be on display until August 3rd. Plan your own visit today!


As we strive to secure the future of our nation's sole remaining ocean liner, the Conservancy is also hard at work planning for a future shipboard museum and education center — the SS United States Center for Design & Discovery.

Do you own artwork, objects or photographs from America's Flagship? The Conservancy's curatorial collections continue to grow. Click HERE to find out how you can make a donation, or reach out at

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