A National Symbol. A Unifying Force.
The extraordinary story of America’s Flagship is a story of our nation coming together on a great quest. The SS United States is a symbol of the values that define us as a nation:
our ingenuity and innovation, our creativity and initiative, and our ability to join arm-in-arm to advance common goals.
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America’s Flagship can once again be a unifying force for our divided nation.
She can reconnect us with our history, with the wider world, and with each other.
The only ship bearing the name of our great nation is now in danger of being lost to history. She's still the fastest ocean liner ever built, and despite her peeling paint, remains ready for revitalization. She needs your help now. And you can help us save her.
THE WE ARE THE UNITED STATES CAMPAIGN will help protect and revitalize America’s Flagship by raising essential funds to pay for her upkeep and honor her legacy. The Campaign emphasizes the nation’s bedrock values that created the United States and keep the American Dream alive.
Help us save the United States today:
Donate via this page, visit our website, or print this form and mail your donation.
Join us on an extraordinary voyage to Save America's Flagship!