SS United States: The Original Transformer

Take a cruise today and you may end up on a series of decks flowing with piña coladas, mai tais, or maybe an ice-cold Corona to help you "fully enjoy" the high seas. Of course, in her time of duty, the SS United States was the epitome of transatlantic luxury and comfort, and never lacked for potent potables. But did you now that her staterooms were ready to give way to bunks, and that her 500,000 square feet could make way for 15,000 U.S.military servicemen? Or that she could take them all 10,000 miles -- 40% of the earth's entire circumference -- without having to refuel even once?
Without a doubt, America's Flagship is more than meets the eye!
Fortunately, she was never pressed into service, but her unique ability to convert from luxury liner to Cold War weapon is one of the countless reasons the ship is such an essential part of our nation's history. Make your donation and help us save America's Flagship today!
Image courtsy of Bill Benedetto