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SS UNITED STATES EXHIBIT: June 29th - August 20th in Brooklyn, NY

The SSUS Conservancy’s New York Chapter is joining with the City Reliquary Museum to bring you "The United States: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow," an exhibit celebrating America's Flagship's extraordinary career, and her relationship with the City of New York!

The exhibit will run from June 29th to August 20th. A special opening event is planned for July 1st to commemorate the 65th Anniversary of SS United States' famous record-breaking Maiden Voyage.

"The United States: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow” spans the ship’s life from a young speed queen, to a popular cover girl, to an aging star of yesteryear, to a nearly forgotten "has-been"…and finally--with your help--to one of the great comeback stories in U.S. history.

Stay tuned for more information about the exhibition and special events!

Want to get in touch with the SS United States Conservancy's New York Chapter? Drop them a line at

The City Reliquary is located at 370 Metropolitan Avenue, Brooklyn, NY, 11211. Visit them online at

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